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Good data management is essential to building sustainable impact at scale.


Good data management is essential to a successful intervention. Without good data practices, we can fail to measure the impacts we make or fail to recognize when no impact is being made. We're here to guide you through the central concepts of good data practices. Even if you're already experienced with managing and analyzing data, re-engagement with these ideas can help you reconsider your knowledge with fresh eyes.


Clear research questions, an analytic approach, a data analysis plan, and a data system are key components to good data management. 

We've got a PDF to help you.

Our resident data expert, Anu, produced a slide deck covering the A to Z of good data practices. The slide deck is taken from our 2019 webinar series on data management and is a great resource for anyone to consult.


Watch Anu Shankar describe the need for good data practices.

Explore themes in Data for Action:

Research Questions

Practical steps on developing research questions.

Analytic Approaches

How to effectively assess outcomes data.

Data Analysis Plan

A systematic process describing how to analyze data.

Data Systems

The essential components of a working data system.

Helpful Tips

Tips to keep in mind and common pitfalls to avoid.

Supported by the Government of Canada and Private Partners.

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