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Our objective is to create a network of themes and ideas and learning through your stories. The collection of narratives highlight the key turning points, the major challenges to be overcome, as well as celebrating the Silver Linings, the answers that emerged even through our failures.
Featured Story
Smiling Through the Storm

The Mama Ambassador Program (MAP), the focus of the video story draws upon the combined skills and contribution of very many skills and passions. In the video, you will hear the voices of the participants and of the implementation team as they tell us about their experiences.  Read More >


Story Tellers

Since 2004, Brick by Brick has built strong partnerships that improve education, health, and economic opportunity in the Rakai and Kyotera Districts of Uganda. This rural population of over a half million people is extraordinarily resilient, resourceful, and creative. Brick by Brick has tapped into this vast untapped wealth, to build together, and in partnership with local government, a new and brighter future.

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Other Stories

A story from our Ebola response work

Back in early March 2020, before the coronavirus had reached pandemic proportions, I was in Liberia to continue the work of Episcopal Relief & Development with faith leaders.


 Navigating from Uncertainty to Certainty

How MECP-K as an organization has managed to navigate its programming in light of COVID-19 pandemic.

Supported by the Government of Canada and Private Partners.

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